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Distance Learning System
Providing distance learning service to schools and universities

One stop shop website solution

Responsive Website

Responsive website

Responsive website design (RWD) to interact a wide range of mobile devices

Website Optimization

Website Optimization

Improve and maintain organic rankings on the search engine results page (SERP)

Website Maintenance

Website Maintenance

Keep updated content and present new information, products and services

Contact HP Web Services

New Website Creation - Web Application Development - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Responsive Website Transformation - E-Mail Marketing - Website Maintenance
*Fixed price varies depending on the type of website

About HP Web Services

Making sure that jobs are performed and meets company standards

HP Web Services create and maintain websites that can be responsive to any mobile devices. The Responsive Web Design (RWD) technique eliminates the creating of another site for mobile, saving money and avoids site redirections. HP Web Services uses its own proprietory web application tool that provides output that can work in dynamic programming languages used for creating and developing websites and compatible in hybrid server environment. Its IT personnel have experienced in maintaining from small scale websites to fortune 500 companies websites. These personnel will be assigned to hands on your websites and will directly communicating with you throughout the process from website design, development to production (online) and maintenance support.

 Our mission is "to deliver information in a wide range of electronic devices".

HP Web Services include but not limited to:

  • New Website Creation
  • Web Application Development
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Responsive Website Transformation
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • Website Maintenance
  • Other Projects

Contact HP Web Services today.

Contact HP Web Services

Responsive Design



Optimizing your website across a wide range of devices

HP Web Services will do the web works for clients so that they can focus on their business and cut their overhead spending. We provide reports and to make sure that jobs are performed and meets company standards. We also ensure that clients critical and sensitive data is viewed in different devices as it is a critical aspect to the design, implementation and delivering information.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Websites responsive to mobile devices


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimize websites to increase traffic


e-Marketing & Maintenance

Update & e-mail blasting in HTML format

Services include but not limited to:

  • New Website Creation
  • Web Application Development
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Responsive Website Transformation
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • Website Maintenance
  • Other Projects

Maintenance Package

HP Web Services also offer maintainance package that includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), e-mail marketing, e-newsletter, content update and more. Please contact HP Web Services for your website needs. The monthly rate is affordable for a long term service.

Contact HP Web Services


Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by websites that are responsive to any mobile devices?

- These are websites that can be easily viewed in any mobile devices. Search Engines labeled these websites as Mobile friendly and mostly preferred by visitors today. A mobile friendly websites attract more visitors than the traditionally designed.

Can you make my existing website a mobile friendly?

- Yes, this is what we called a Responsive Transformation. Your website once tranformed will interact across a wide range of mobile devices.

Can you improve the structures of my website?

- Yes, this is part of our goal to enhance the existing structure.

Can I still use my hosting company after the website responsive transformation?

- Yes, in fact by using our proprietory tool all pages that transformed becomes an html5 and can be uploaded to any type of web server.

Do you offer complete website service including web hosting, email & website maintenance?

- Yes, we have partnered with multiple web hosting companies and we can provide you with complete website service. This is our goal to do all the web works for you.

What is the cost for Responsive Transformation?

- The cost varies depending on the number of pages and functionalities. To know the cost we will do an evaluation. There is a charge for the time we spent in evaluation depending on the number of pages plus we have to look at the back end coding. Websites need updates as web technology change. It is worth to have a website updated regularly.

Can I edit my pages?

- Yes, you can but it is your responsibility if the website showed an error and the cost of fixing it. To be safe and to protect the integrity of your website we encourage you to let us do the update. We have our proprietory tool to make your website responsive to mobile devices. You can send to us the new content and we will update it for you. There is a fee to update the content plus charges for writing the script if any. But if you signed up for a complete website service plan then you don't need to worry about charges for any content updates.

How long do you publish the updated content?

- Between 24 to 72 business hours time frame from the time we received your request.

How about if it is an urgent update?

- There is a charge to expediate the update. The charge varries depending on the type of update, the information you provided and the time to spend to do the work. We will inform you the assessment and estimated cost of the update.

Do you have a cost effective service package plan?

- Yes, the best cost effective plan we can offer is the Complete Website Package (CWP) plan. This plan includes website backup, content updates, search engine optimization, e-mail marketing and technical support. It is a fixed monthly fee and affordable. Contact us to discuss more details.

What is SEO Optimization?

- SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer." We ensure that your site is designed to be search engine-friendly from the bottom up.

Can you make our website rank #1 in Google, Bing & Yahoo?

- We can only guarantee that your website will be included within the top results of the first page upto five top pages. We cannot claim to guarantee a top rankings in search engine results all the time. No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. SEO services who guaranteed that they can make your website #1 in search results ranking is a red flag.

What is Email Marketing?

- Email marketing is a way to reach consumers directly via electronic mail. You can send your marketing text or banner and images and we will create an outstanding HTML template. You can send it using your own email marketing tool or we can do it for you.

What is Web Application Development?

- A web application or web app is a client–server software application in which the client (or user interface) runs in a web browser. Common web applications include webmail, online retail sales, online auctions, wikis, instant messaging services and many other functions.



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